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8C for Elias Iagnemma in South Africa

https://www.up-climbing.com/system/files/20202/original/elias_monkey.jpg?1656285313<h5 style="text-align: justify;">The italian boulderer climbs one the most iconic lines in Rocklands</h5> <p style="text-align: justify;">&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">A flash news that can't be more flash! The only information we have comes in fact from an Instagram story in which...


New 9a by Kinder and Hörst

https://www.up-climbing.com/system/files/20159/original/cameron_horst_resisting_arrest.png?1655900746<h5 style="text-align: justify;">Joel Kinder made the first ascent of Resisting Arrest, just before Cameron H&ouml;rst's ascent.</h5> <p style="text-align: justify;">Two different generations met on the holds of <strong>Mt Charleston</strong>, giving life to a new classic that breaks through the...


Hörst, 9a brothers

https://www.up-climbing.com/system/files/20118/original/horst_manphibin_9a.png?1655469041<h5 style="text-align: justify;">Cameron and Jonathan H&ouml;rst on Manphibian, 9a and Arrested Development, 9a.</h5> <p style="text-align: justify;">Is there anything better than doing a 9a? Sure, to climb it with your <strong>brother</strong>! The history of climbing is full of examples where ...


Herson: 9a+ trad!

https://www.up-climbing.com/system/files/20116/original/conner_herson_empath_trad.jpg?1655384017<h5 style="text-align: justify;">ConnorHerson climbs Empathy, 9a+ in trad style.</h5> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Connor Herson</strong>'s could easily be <strong>the hardest trad climb</strong> to date. There are a handful of 8c+ and only a probable 9a (Tribe, for which Jacopo Larch...


Euclase: the 8C+ by Graham!

https://www.up-climbing.com/system/files/20111/original/euclase.jpg?1655270096<h5 style="text-align: justify;">After a few hints here and there, finally the announcement and Dave's comments on the ascent of a new kingline in Valle Bavona</h5> <p style="text-align: justify;"><br /> The rumor had been circulating for some time, and on the occasion of the video of one of his...


9th club: van Rensburg, Gaßner and Marchaland

https://www.up-climbing.com/system/files/20113/original/jules_marchaland_9a.png?1655299753<h5 style="text-align: justify;">Mel Janse van Rensburg, Philipp Ga&szlig;ner and Jules Marchaland on their 9a routes.</h5> <p style="text-align: justify;">Between Natalia <strong>Grossman</strong> who secured the victory of the IFSC bouldering world cup circuit with one comp to spare and Yannic...


Pelorson on Jungle Boogie

https://www.up-climbing.com/system/files/20090/original/nico_pelorson_jungle_boogie.jpg?1654950578<h5 style="text-align: justify;">Nico Pelorson climbs Jungle Boogie, 9a +.</h5> <p style="text-align: justify;">After a past as a competitor with good results, today's <strong>Nicolas Pelorson</strong> is a very strong outdoor climber, with a curriculum full of really hard pitches and boulders. ...


8B+ also for Alex Puccio

https://www.up-climbing.com/system/files/20077/original/puccio_tigris_sit.jpg?1654726541<h5 style="text-align: justify;">After Michaela Kiersch, it is also her turn to climb this roofline on Swiss granite</h5> <p style="text-align: justify;"><br /> Not even time to let the holds cool after the Kiersch ascent <a href="../../../it/boulder/news/inarrestabile-michaela--" target="_blank...


Ibbertson: 9b man!

https://www.up-climbing.com/system/files/20071/original/josh_ibbertson_rainman_9b.jpg?1654691315<h5 style="text-align: justify;">Josh Ibbertson climbs Rainman, 9b.</h5> <p style="text-align: justify;">On his social channels, <strong>Josh Ibbertson</strong> talks about his ascent of Rainman, his hardest route ever. The story is epic, the route is iconic, pure motivation for all of us climbi...


Unstoppable Michaela!

https://www.up-climbing.com/system/files/20070/original/tigris.jpg?1654673310<h5 style="text-align: justify;">The American still reaches a remarkable milestone in Switzerland, while her friend Alex Puccio climbs her second 8B of the trip</h5> <p style="text-align: justify;">&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">After a set of 8Bs with <strong>Steppenwolf, Riverbed,...


Someone stops Jonatan Flor!

https://www.up-climbing.com/system/files/20066/original/jonatan_flor_indigestione_di_9a.jpg?1654601722<h5 style="text-align: justify;">Jonatan Flor indigestion of hard routes in Spain.</h5> <p style="text-align: justify;">Given the large number of climbers who usually climb 9a with agility, the "<strong>9th club</strong>" column was born, which collects all the "less important" climbs coming fro...


Siegrist frees a new 9b

https://www.up-climbing.com/system/files/20045/original/siegrist_event_horizon.jpg?1654263465<h5 style="text-align: justify;">Jonathan Siegrist frees Event Horizon, 9b.</h5> <p style="text-align: justify;">Dreams are desires and surely <strong>Jonathan Siegrist</strong> has dreamed of freeing this line for a long time. He was running into 2020 when his hands were gripping the holds of <...


9a again for Angie Scarth Johnson

https://www.up-climbing.com/system/files/20039/original/angie_scarth_johnson_victimas_perez_9a.jpg?1654192032<h5 style="text-align: justify;">Angie Scarth Johnson climbs Victimas Perez, 9a.</h5> <p style="text-align: justify;">Travelling, climbing, spending time with the best climbers in the world, getting their hands on extreme projects&hellip; The life of <strong>Angie Scarth Johnson</strong> is cert...


9th club: Firnenburg, Bolger and Diaz Rullo

https://www.up-climbing.com/system/files/20025/original/jorge_diaz_rullo_the_journey.png?1654000228<h5 style="text-align: justify;">David Firnenburg, Tom Bolger and Jorge Diaz Rullo on extreme 9a pitches.</h5> <p style="text-align: justify;">While the bouldering and speed world cup is in full swing, while young climbers compete in international youth competitions, strong sport climbers from a...


New 9a by Kinder and Hörst

https://www.up-climbing.com/system/files/20159/original/cameron_horst_resisting_arrest.png?1655900746<h5 style="text-align: justify;">Joel Kinder made the first ascent of Resisting Arrest, just before Cameron H&ouml;rst's ascent.</h5> <p style="text-align: justify;">Two different generations met on the holds of <strong>Mt Charleston</strong>, giving life to a new classic that breaks through the...


Hörst, 9a brothers

https://www.up-climbing.com/system/files/20118/original/horst_manphibin_9a.png?1655469041<h5 style="text-align: justify;">Cameron and Jonathan H&ouml;rst on Manphibian, 9a and Arrested Development, 9a.</h5> <p style="text-align: justify;">Is there anything better than doing a 9a? Sure, to climb it with your <strong>brother</strong>! The history of climbing is full of examples where ...


Herson: 9a+ trad!

https://www.up-climbing.com/system/files/20116/original/conner_herson_empath_trad.jpg?1655384017<h5 style="text-align: justify;">ConnorHerson climbs Empathy, 9a+ in trad style.</h5> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Connor Herson</strong>'s could easily be <strong>the hardest trad climb</strong> to date. There are a handful of 8c+ and only a probable 9a (Tribe, for which Jacopo Larch...


9th club: van Rensburg, Gaßner and Marchaland

https://www.up-climbing.com/system/files/20113/original/jules_marchaland_9a.png?1655299753<h5 style="text-align: justify;">Mel Janse van Rensburg, Philipp Ga&szlig;ner and Jules Marchaland on their 9a routes.</h5> <p style="text-align: justify;">Between Natalia <strong>Grossman</strong> who secured the victory of the IFSC bouldering world cup circuit with one comp to spare and Yannic...


Euclase: the 8C+ by Graham!

https://www.up-climbing.com/system/files/20111/original/euclase.jpg?1655270096<h5 style="text-align: justify;">After a few hints here and there, finally the announcement and Dave's comments on the ascent of a new kingline in Valle Bavona</h5> <p style="text-align: justify;"><br /> The rumor had been circulating for some time, and on the occasion of the video of one of his...
